By the founder
October 10, 2024

Target the Right Customer: How Successful Intent-Based Marketing Drives Results for MSPs

Growing your business as an MSP isn’t easy. You know your services are top-notch, but finding the right clients can be a constant struggle. Traditional marketing methods like cold calling, networking events, and even direct emails can feel like shouting into the void—they’re often impersonal, time-consuming, and lack the results you need to scale.

If you’re like many MSP business owners, you’re probably wondering: What’s the missing link?

The answer could lie in an approach that prioritizes intent over interruption: intent-based marketing. Instead of pushing your message to a broad, uninterested audience, this strategy allows you to reach out to potential customers exactly when they’re most ready to buy. Imagine engaging with prospects at the right moment, guiding them seamlessly from awareness to action, and having a predictable flow of leads without burning your marketing budget on tactics that barely work.

In this blog, we’ll explain intent-based marketing, provide real-world examples, and guide you through its effective implementation to achieve the ROI you’ve been hoping for. Ready to dive in?

What is intent-based marketing?

What is intent-based marketing?

Simply put, intent-based marketing is a strategy that focuses on reaching potential customers who are already showing signs of interest in your services. Instead of casting a wide net and hoping to catch a few interested prospects, you’re targeting only those who have expressed buyer intent through their behavior. This behavior can be anything from searching for a solution on Google, engaging with similar services on social media, or even visiting your website multiple times.

By leveraging intent data, you gain valuable insights into customer behavior, enabling you to connect with prospects who are actively researching or considering a purchase. Think of it as the difference between a cold call and a warm conversation—one is disruptive, while the other is perfectly timed and more likely to result in a positive outcome.

For MSPs, this means you’re not wasting time on leads that go nowhere. Instead, you’re engaging prospects at the right time, using the right tools, and personalizing your message to speak directly to their pain points. Ultimately, this approach increases the likelihood of turning leads into sales, making your marketing budget more efficient and your efforts more impactful.

Examples of intent-based marketing

To fully understand how intent-based marketing works, let’s look at a few real-world scenarios that highlight its power.

Targeting based on search behavior

Imagine a small to mid-sized business is actively searching for “best MSPs for remote work support” on Google. They’re not just browsing; they have a problem and are looking for a solution. Using intent data from these searches, you can serve targeted ads, create marketing messages that address their pain points, or even reach out with a personalized marketing approach. This way, you’re not competing for attention but instead offering the exact product or service they need—right when they’re looking for it.

Leveraging intent signals from social media

Perhaps a decision-maker from a target company has been interacting with content on LinkedIn about IT security or cloud solutions. Using intent signals from these interactions, your marketing team can create marketing campaigns that cater to this interest, positioning your business as the solution they’ve been researching. It’s a more targeted approach than running generic ads and hoping to get noticed.

Intent-driven website personalization

Another example is website behavior. If a potential customer visits your site and explores your pricing page multiple times, it’s a clear sign of purchasing intent. With intent data signals, you can use marketing automation to trigger follow-up emails, live chat offers, or personalized call-to-actions (CTAs) that prompt them to book a consultation.

Benefits of intent-based marketing for MSPs.

Benefits of intent-based marketing for MSPs

When done right, intent-based marketing can transform the way your business attracts and engages clients. Instead of relying on hope and chance, you’re using intent data to target the right prospects — the ones who are already looking for solutions that align with what your MSP offers. Here’s how this approach can benefit your business:

Higher conversion rates

Traditional marketing strategies often involve chasing leads that aren’t ready to make a decision, leading to low conversion rates and wasted resources. With intent-based marketing, you’re focusing only on prospects who have shown intent to purchase. By delivering personalized marketing content tailored to their needs, your team will more likely turn these interested leads into paying clients.

Efficient use of marketing budget

Because you’re not spending on broad, generic campaigns, your marketing budget is used more efficiently. By pinpointing where the most valuable intent signals are, you can allocate resources to the most impactful channels and see a better return on investment (ROI).

Shorter sales cycle

One of the biggest pain points for MSPs is a drawn-out sales cycle, where leads linger in the pipeline for weeks or months. With intent-based marketing, you’re reaching prospects who are already in the final stages of their purchase decision. This means your sales team can engage with them quickly, reducing the time it takes to close deals.

Improved customer experience

When you use intent data to understand what your prospects are looking for, you can provide them with highly relevant content and solutions. This makes the entire interaction feel more personalized, helping to build trust and demonstrate that you truly understand their business needs.

Competitive advantage

Finally, not all MSPs are using intent-based marketing effectively, which gives you a unique edge over your competitors. By implementing this approach now, you’re not just responding to your audience’s needs—you’re anticipating them, positioning your MSP as the go-to solution in your market.

Disadvantages of intent-based marketing

While intent-based marketing offers numerous benefits, it’s not without its challenges. Before diving in, it’s crucial to consider some potential downsides to ensure your approach is effective and manageable.

Requires access to high-quality data

The success of intent-based marketing relies heavily on accurate, real-time intent data. Without a robust system to collect, analyze, and interpret these intent signals, your campaigns can target the wrong audience, leading to low engagement and wasted resources. This means investing in the right marketing tools and platforms to harness this data effectively.

Can be complex to implement

Unlike traditional marketing strategies, intent-based marketing strategies require a more sophisticated setup. From gathering intent data to segmenting target accounts and creating personalized marketing messages, the process can be overwhelming—especially for MSPs that don’t have a dedicated marketing team. If you’re unfamiliar with intent-based marketing tools and how to leverage them, a steep learning curve is involved.

Privacy concerns

With the increased focus on data privacy, tracking customer behavior and gathering intent data must be done in compliance with regulations like GDPR and CCPA. Mishandling data can lead to legal issues and damage your business reputation, so it’s important to have clear policies in place to ensure your intended data solution respects user privacy.

Not a standalone solution

Finally, relying solely on intent-based marketing isn’t enough. While it’s a powerful tool for identifying customer intent and engaging ready-to-buy prospects, it must be integrated into a broader marketing strategy, including account-based marketing, inbound strategies, and continuous engagement. Without a multi-layered approach, you risk missing out on other valuable opportunities to connect with your audience.

Working with MSP Launchpad.

Tips for using intent-based marketing for your MSP

Implementing intent-based marketing can seem daunting, but with the right strategies, it can be a game-changer for your MSP. Here are some practical tips to help you get started and maximize the impact of your intent-based marketing campaigns:

Start by defining your ideal customer profile (ICP)

Before jumping into data collection, you must know who you’re targeting. Define your ideal customer profile by considering business size, industry, and specific pain points. This will help narrow down your target audience and ensure that the intent data you gather aligns with your business goals.

Use intent data to identify hot leads

Not all prospects are equal. Some might be in the research phase, while others are ready to make a purchase. Use intent data to identify leads that show high buying intent by monitoring their behavior across multiple channels — such as the pages they visit on your site, their engagement with your emails, or even third-party data indicating they’re looking for solutions like yours.

Personalize your marketing messages

One of the biggest advantages of intent-based marketing is the ability to deliver highly tailored content. Once you know what your potential customers are searching for, create personalized marketing messages that speak directly to their needs. Whether it’s a targeted ad, a custom email, or a specialized landing page, personalization will increase your chances of conversion.

Combine intent-based marketing with account-based marketing

Using account-based marketing (ABM) alongside intent-based marketing can be extremely powerful for MSPs. ABM focuses on specific high-value target accounts, while intent-based marketing ensures that your messaging is hyper-relevant to those accounts. This combination allows your sales and marketing teams to work together seamlessly, increasing the likelihood of securing top-tier clients.

Leverage intent data signals to refine your strategy

Collecting data is just the beginning. Analyze the intent signals regularly to see what’s working and what’s not. Adjust your approach if you notice a particular marketing tactic isn’t resonating. Intent data provides real-time insights into customer behavior, enabling you to refine your strategy.

Focus on high-conversion content

Once you’ve identified your audience's needs, create content that answers their most pressing questions. Whether it’s blogs, case studies, or video content, tailor it to address your prospects' specific challenges. This positions your MSP as a trusted advisor and helps move leads further down the funnel.

Implement marketing automation for better efficiency

Use marketing automation tools that integrate with your intent-based marketing approach to maximize your results. Automation can help nurture leads, trigger personalized follow-ups, and manage multiple campaigns simultaneously, making it easier to scale your efforts without sacrificing quality.


Running a successful MSP business is no small feat. You’re juggling multiple roles—IT provider, business strategist, and marketer—while trying to grow your client base. Traditional marketing methods often fall short, leaving you with inconsistent results and a pipeline that doesn’t match your ambitions.

That’s where intent-based marketing comes in. By leveraging intent data and focusing on prospects actively looking for solutions like yours, you can transform your marketing approach from reactive to proactive. Whether using intent signals to tailor your messaging or combining account-based marketing campaigns to target high-value clients, this strategy allows you to connect with ready-to-buy customers when they need you most.

No more guesswork. No more wasted time on unqualified leads.

If you’re serious about optimizing your lead generation and want to see real, measurable growth, then a partner who understands the unique challenges of MSPs is essential. MSP Launchpad is here to help. With a proven track record and a deep understanding of the MSP industry, we specialize in delivering results that make a difference — so you can focus on what you do best: providing top-notch IT services to your clients.

Ready? Schedule a call with us today.

Frequently asked questions 

Why is intent-based marketing important for MSPs?

Intent-based marketing is important because it enables MSPs to identify prospects with high buyer intent and target them with precision. Unlike traditional marketing strategies, this approach focuses on understanding customer behavior and using intent-based data to connect with leads when they’re most receptive. This not only increases conversion rates but also helps MSPs maximize their marketing efforts by focusing on the right audience at the right time.

What’s the difference between intent-based marketing and traditional marketing?

Traditional marketing strategies often rely on broad targeting, casting a wide net in the hopes of capturing interest. In contrast, intent-based marketing uses analytics and real-time intent data to pinpoint b2b prospects who are actively searching for solutions like yours. This makes intent-based marketing strategies more efficient and results-driven, reducing wasted spend and improving ROI.

How can I implement intent-based marketing for my MSP?

To implement intent-based marketing, start by gathering intent-based data to identify key b2b marketing signals from your target audience. Use these insights to develop a based marketing strategy that prioritizes prospects with high buyer intent. Next, tailor your marketing messages to address their specific needs and nurture them through targeted content, personalized emails, and strategic follow-ups.

What are the most successful intent-based marketing strategies?

Successful intent-based marketing strategies include creating targeted ads based on search behavior, personalizing website content based on user intent, and integrating account-based marketing tactics to focus on high-value b2b clients. These approaches allow you to engage customers based on their immediate needs, increasing the likelihood of conversion and building long-term relationships.

What is buyer intent, and why does it matter?

Buyer intent refers to the signals and data that indicate a prospect’s likelihood to purchase a product or service. Understanding buyer intent is crucial because it helps MSPs prioritize leads who are closer to making a decision. By using intent marketing tactics, MSPs can tailor their marketing strategies to engage these prospects effectively and close deals faster.