Honest question, how is your lead generation doing?

If you’re like most MSPs under 20 employees, you genuinely feel stuck.

Either you’ve been burnt in the past by a “we do it all” marketing agency that FLUSHED your marketing budget down the drain…

Or you’ve been trying to figure out marketing in-house with Sally the office clerk, only to get *cricket sounds* month after month. No one is reaching out.

Every other week in the MSP subreddit, there’s a new lead gen method guaranteed to get you “10 appointments every month”. Pfft.

So many bells and whistles, leaving you with no idea of what REALLY works, or what to focus on.

And like that’s not enough, MSP marketing coaches are giving you and the 300 other MSPs who attended their workshop the same landing page/ print ad template (that worked some 15 years ago)!

(You know what I’m talking about, the "ASPIRIN" campaign is all over the place)

Now, you sound like every other MSP in your city, with no new business, just bleeding cash, and wondering how you’d ever be able to scale relying 100% on referrals.

If that’s how you feel, you’re not alone.

And if you take out the next 7 minutes to go through this page, your next step will be crystal clear to you.

Here’s the problem…

You don’t have a proven system to generate MSP leads

No kidding. That should be obvious already, no?

But here’s what I mean. There are so many shiny objects out there, “an email blast is all you need”, “cold calling is not dead, still works for me”, and “LinkedIn is how we generate leads every single day”. 

Without a proven system, everything seems like it could potentially lead to your big break. Until you’re $20,000 in, wondering why you aren’t drowning in leads like u/ITsalesgenius claimed.

You probably know this already, but sustainable growth doesn’t come from hopping from one new thing to another. It comes from doing what works, what the others wouldn’t (because they can’t), until you get the results they will never get!

Listen, I’ll be flat-out honest with you. MSP lead generation is HARD. Think about the big names, the CMITs, and the Team Logics, it’s taken them 10 - 20 years to dial it in. It takes time to figure this stuff out, much less make it work.

So… How in the world would I know that, and what permits me to talk freely about this?

Let me introduce myself.

Hi, I’m Louis. And I’ve been around…

I was a regional sales and marketing manager for a multinational MSP overseas five years ago. During my time there, I found out that the greatest problem MSPs faced (large or small) was generating high-quality leads.

After getting to work and filling their pipeline with qualified leads, I developed a desire to help smaller MSPs scale and grow faster. I couldn’t shake this desire off, so just before the pandemic, I pivoted. At the time, I was creating high-end custom website designs for MSPs.

That was when I realized, that lead generation isn’t a multinational MSP problem, it’s an MSP problem across the board! And so MSP Launchpad was born, to solve this problem for good.

The deeper we went into solving the lead gen problem, the more it became clearer that ready-to-buy MSP leads are HARD to come by.

And when you do stumble across a business online looking to switch (maybe towards the end of a gut-wrenching contract), a simple “hey, buy my managed service” is NEVER going to cut it!

Over the years, I’ve grown the team from good ol’ me to over 20 full-time marketing experts. We’ve been grinding hard with one goal— to make online lead gen insanely profitable for the MSPs that count on us.

And after tens of thousands of hours of research and multiple zeros in ad spend and marketing investment, we have cracked the code.

This is how we’ve generated leads for the dozens of MSPs who have trusted us over the years in the done-for-you agency side of our business.

Then we observed something…

You can't change the world if you're only helping the largest, premium MSPs.

When we were smaller, we were helping lots of small MSPs create conversion-focused websites, and we loved it.

But as we've grown into a one-stop inbound marketing partner for MSPs, we've had to offer the total package; a done-for-you lead-generating machine, at an unavoidably higher price.

Sadly, as a result, we’ve had to turn A TON of business away.

To be honest, it hurts me to have the solution some of these MSP owners need, and not be able to help as a result of the sheer cost of execution.

So, towards the end of last year, I started having a crazy idea.

What if, instead of turning MSPs away...

We gave them the systems, tools, and SOPs we’ve used in generating leads for clients, in a
drop-dead-easy, plug-and-play format they can simply deploy internally?

It seemed like such a crazy idea, so I had to vet it with, well, some of the MSPs I’d had to turn away…

The result turned out to be “sign-me-up-now” POSITIVE! Who would’ve thought?!

Here’s the deal…

If you’re in a place where a couple grand per month in marketing fees don’t make sense for you… 

How about a proven EASY-TO-IMPLEMENT lead gen system that you can plug into your in-house process, turn on, and get leads for your MSP?

Think about it.

Instead of spending the next 10 years trying to figure out how to generate leads online and sustainably grow your MSP, why not steal a copy/paste system that works?

The fact is this:

You ALREADY have the structure and discipline to make lead generation work for your MSP in-house, you’re just missing the weapon, the know how!

Imagine having a proven set of SOPs for Sally the office clerk, instead of watching a thousand YouTube videos and crawling the internet every other day in search of the latest and greatest lead-gen gimmicks.

Think about the trial and error that could save you. Not to mention the cash burn you’d avoid! 

If a system works, it works. What’s great about this is we HAVE this working system!

5.0 stars out of 34 reviews

Take a look at Greenlight’s experience…

Ben Gallagher,
Head of Sales at Greenlight ITC

"We are a 30-person MSP. At the time, we had been investing significantly in Google Ads (>7k aus$ p/m) for a while, with admittedly 0 results.

Once they got our website up and installed their Ads setup, we got our first sale in 3 weeks. The second sale followed in about 2 months I think.

They also decreased our Google ad spend by 30%. Including their management fee, our total marketing cost still went down by 20% or so (they literally pay for themselves).

Our main problem is now finding engineers, not lead flow - we know that they can crank it up at any time. And that is a very comfortable feeling.

And dozens of others we’ve helped with our proven lead generation system.

And this is why for the first time ever…

We’re giving MSPs a copy/paste, replicable system to generate ready-to-buy leads online!

Everything we’ve done as a company has led up to this point. For the first time ever, we’re giving away our secrets, but not in bits and pieces, we’re giving the whole shebang.

Everything you need to know and do, to get the results we’ve gotten for clients, for yourself!


MSP Inbound Leads Mastery

— all you need to acquire new inbound (and ready-to-buy) leads for your MSP easily

without outsourcing or hiring!

This is the only training material you and your team would need to master and execute a killer stack of marketing efforts that will give you the most bang for your buck!

Take a sneak peek into the MSP Inbound Leads Mastery

“So what exactly is the MSP Inbound Leads Mastery?

In simple terms, it’s a turnkey system that you can implement to generate leads without outsourcing, hiring or any gimmicky sales tactics (including cold calling).

MSP Inbound Leads Mastery your MSP's shortest route to generating highly qualified leads on the internet—without spending a fortune on agencies or trial and error.

This course lays the step-by-step, easy-to-follow process of all you need to start attracting ready-to-buy leads for your MSP yourself (or with the help of a less occupied staff) and by leveraging AI massively!

We’ve shared everything...

From complete access to our killer website templates to our high-converting AI content generation system, to our Google Ads set up secrets, to SEO mastery! What's even better? Everything is so broken down that any employee deploy the system and get the leads flowing!

What's inside the MSP Inbound Leads Mastery?

Everything you for insane online lead gen, all in one place!

Note: With each of these modules, you get copy/paste assets that are incredibly easy to implement.

Module 1:

The lead generation mindset (understanding the what, how, and force behind MSP lead gen)

After speaking with over 1000 MSP business owners, we noticed the vast majority didn't understand lead generation at all.

This module gives you the mind and spirit of a highly profitable marketer. We teach critical lead generation principles, as well as ways to hack your own mindset…

Making the whole venture exciting and insanely successful. This module is a game-changer.

Module 2:

Defining your target market, offer, and brand positioning

95% of MSPs do not have these three elements defined as a business. This module shoots you into the top 5% of MSPs crushing it.

You’ll define your target market and the irresistible offer that will make them tell you, “Shut up and take my money”, virtually all the time.

You’ll also identify your brand voice and style, ensuring you stand out in the sea of MSPs out there, and put yourself in a category of one (we’re here to create that monopoly element).

Module 3:

Create Your Go-To-Market Strategy

Here, we teach you exactly how to map out a lead generation plan for the next 6 months.

We show you how to do the research and how to find the keywords that would give you the most bang for your buck in your location (because it’s not the same everywhere!).

At the end of this module, you’ll have a solid marketing strategy to ride upon (with the help of the plug-and-play assets provided).

Module 4:

Piecing Your Conversion-Focused Website Together

Think about it, when was the last time you saw an MSP website and thought, “wow, this is so professionally done”? Hardly ever happens, right?

Our model capitalizes on the emotions your website conveys and harnesses that to engineer trust and believability—getting your ideal clients to pick up the phone and call you!

From this module, you’d get ten 90%-ready-to-launch stunning website templates to be optimized with AI using simple step-by-step processes.

At the end of this module, your sleek-looking, modern, conversion-focused website will be ready to go live.

Module 5:

MSP SEO Mastery (increase your visibility, drive traffic, generate qualified leads)

In this module, we teach you how to get ready-to-buy prospects right from your MSP website.

We’re not gatekeeping, we’re revealing our approach to SEO that is sure to keep your MSP ahead of the AI curve...

This module is all about local dominance. If there’s a market for your services in your local market, this system will help you milk the market and ethically steal the attention of all your ideal clients.

We show you have to systematically improve your visibility, appear as the authority on high-buyers intent keywords, and generate leads that are able to buy your services.

Module 6:

MSP Paid Advertising (fast track your lead generation with PPC ads)

We’ve mastered the art and science of making paid ads work for MSPs. And we’ll say it right off the bat– Google Ads is the way to go.

Over the years, we’ve defined and refined a PPC method that is guaranteed to save between $50,000 - $100,000 in optimization costs for MSPs. In this module, we’re spilling it all, and showing you how you can replicate our success in-house.

From the landing page copy to the page design layout (remember, you get a template, you’re not creating the design from scratch), to the ad copies (what to add, what not to) and the Ad setup itself, we’ll show you how to set it all up.

Module 7:

Routines for scaling the system

The goal with the course is for you to build your own in-house lead-gen department, that actually produces results. 

In this module, we’ll let you know what the rituals should look like after setting everything up the first time. Those who win consistently are the ones who consistently put the work in. 

It’s not a once-and-its-done situation. Remember, we’re not here to make a quick buck, we’re building a legacy.

Something you’re probably
already thinking about…

How much does it cost to enroll in the MSP Inbound Leads Mastery?

First things first, no, we’re not going to ask you to book a call before finding out what you pay (like some slimy crypto coach).

We’re going to be upfront about it so that you know exactly what you’re getting when you schedule a call.

But first, quick question. How much do you think will be a fair price to build a killer MSP website template for you, and you just add your content? The design alone could be worth as much as $10,000, yes? Let’s be extremely modest and place it at $7,000. 

What does it cost to get lifetime access to our secret (in-house) process to generate leads for your MSP?

What’s a lead worth to you?

Here's the true value of everything you get
(based on standard rates)

If these were the only things you benefit from the program, here’s an estimate of the worth in hard figures.

MSP-specific conversion-focused website template (90% complete) + training on how to use AI to populate it in such a way that it attracts and converts new business.

Choose 1 out of 10 templates that are 90% premade, tailored to your specific brand voice. Use our prompts & process to finish it to perfection (and it should be the best in your city in 95% of cases).


MSP-specific SEO mastery

What works? Understanding effective MSP lead gen.


Testimonial Trainings

MSP Global SEO

Technical SEO

AI Prompts for ULTIMATE blogs and location landing pages


MSP-specific Google Ads mastery

What works? Understanding effective MSP lead gen.

Set up accounts


Battle-tested keywords that convert

Ongoing optimization / cleaning your targeting

Landing pages development + prompts


MSP-specific inbound marketing scaling strategy (how to scale your lead generation to other cities)


MSP brand positioning and alignment


Irresistible offer creation and other MSP lead-generation principles


MSP Marketing Insider Data:

Secret keyword lists with all the money

Negative keyword lists

Top converting search terms

Information on device usage

Full analysis

What you should expect to spend

Expected timelines for leads to start rolling in

Other insider MSP marketing data taht's just not available elsewhere!

Shortcut YEARS of expensive data gathering & and save hundreds of thousands of dollars by immediately knowing WHAT TO TARGET.


MSP-specific SOP library that you can easily import into your own ClickUp space, to broken down into the rituals needed to keep your lead pipeline working non stop.

No one has ever promised (or done this) in the MSP space, because it's damn near impossible. We're providing this SOP library so that the lead system keeps working like clockwork.


Mindset component to supercharge you and your team to get the absolute best out of this system and hack lead generation for your MSP.


Training on using AI to generate images & content that your target market would actually WANT to see on your website


This whole flow put into an EASY step-by-step for you and your team to implement with maximum efficiency without previous marketing experience required.


Our commitment to continuously update this program; consistently providing you with the best SOPs and processes - so you can save YEARS of finding and testing strategies yourself.


Weekly group coaching & questions (for you OR a colleague working on this for you)


Discounts on our hourly fees to help you with one on one Q&A or other activities that you want a second pair of professional hands for

(-$70 hour off!)

(Minimum) Total value

+2x Priceless

This does not account for the actual value of a lead to you or the months of work that have gone into creating this step-by-step, easy-to-implement version of our internal processes for you!

But guess what, we’re not going to put that price tag on it, even the information we’ve provided surpasses that by a long shot.

We’re not even going to charge half of that for this course!

What we’re doing here is a little crazy, and I’ll explain that in a minute.

But here’s your investment for this course today

Total value: $143,700

Standard MSPL price: $5,800/yr

One-off payment

Course Launch Price:


(Save $1,900 this year when you pay today)

i want this

Make two easy payments

Course Launch Price:

$2,100 x 2

(Save $1,600 this year when you start today)

i want this

Plus you get two (2) extra seats for members of your team!

We’re not just trying to see how it goes, we’ve done this close to 100 MSPs already. And this is our promise (see below)...

Here’s what they have to say…

Matt Canavan
Managing Partner at InfoTank

MSP Launchpad got us 3 sales (not just leads) with Google Ads within a few months of the new website going live, while all other marketing agencies never delivered.

We can’t give away our trade secrets at this CRAZY discount for long…

What we’re doing is ridiculous, because we’re essentially giving you the secrets to how we produce results for clients!

It almost doesn’t make sense.

But here’s why we’re doing this. We learned from the done-for-you lead gen space, that it helps to get the first set of clients in so that we can request testimonials and showcase the true worth of our product.

As part of the first set of the MSP Inbound Leads Mastery, you’re be getting it at the lowest price it will ever be sold at, so that when you work the system and get results, we can get your testimonials and scale.

So, we’re undercutting ourselves right now, but soon, it’s going to pay off. It’s a win-win! You get all this value and results, and we get to prove yet again that the system works!

That said…

This discount is only for the first 50 members of the MSP Inbound Leads Mastery!

We are currently at 12 members (and the number is changing fast!), some MSP owners purchased while the course was still in production (not even kidding, we have receipts).

Click I want this now, to schedule your call.

On that call, we’ll certify that you’re a perfect fit for the course, we wouldn’t want you to waste your time and not have results (ie, no testimonials for us—defeats the purpose).

Total value: $143,700

Standard MSPL price: $5,800/yr

One-off payment

Course Launch Price:


(Save $1,900 this year when you pay today)

i want this

Make two easy payments

Course Launch Price:

$2,100 x 2

(Save $1,600 this year when you start today)

i want this

Plus you get two (2) extra seats for members of your team!

We’re not just trying to see how it goes, we’ve done this close to 100 MSPs already. We back up our promise with guarantees (see below)...

We’re putting our money where our mouth is

We guarantee that this system works. If you work on it and hit all the metrics, you will generate qualified leads.

However, if for any reason you implement the system fully as per specifications, attend the group sessions, ask for advice to tweak it, and it still doesn't work, we will come in and make it work for you!

If that still doesn’t work, we’ll refund your investment 100%.

Some key things to note before deciding to enroll

This course is perfect for you if you’re

Industry agnostic (can work well with any industry).

Focused on the MSP side of their business (not looking for software leads or anyone who’s not directly MSP-related).

You’re located in a sizeable city/town (not less than 100,000 residents), and you also have no problem expanding lead generation to other nearby cities.

Looking to generate leads in your local market (not overseas, not states/regions apart).

If this is you, we can almost guarantee that you’ll get amazing results from the MSP Inbound Leads Mastery!

Now, you can start growing aggressively!

If you’re tired of being stuck, wasting money while simultaneously leaving money on the table, this is your chance to take your destiny into your own hands and make your MSP all you’ve dreamt about and more!

Take another look at these payment plans and click I want this to book your call right away!

Total value: $143,700

Standard MSPL price: $5,800/yr

One-off payment

Course Launch Price:


(Save $1,900 this year when you pay today)

i want this

Make two easy payments

Course Launch Price:

$2,100 x 2

(Save $1,600 this year when you start today)

i want this

Plus you get two (2) extra seats for members of your team!

We’re not just trying to see how it goes, we’ve done this close to 100 MSPs already.

Still here?
Let’s answer some frequently asked questions about the course


After I schedule the call, what next?

Be sure to show up on the call with Louis (our founder), to discuss your market and needs and confirm that the MSP Inbound Leads Mastery is perfect for you!


What happens after I enroll?

You are instantly added to the program area and have access to all the resources, materials, and meeting links for the live coaching calls.


What’s my level of involvement as the owner of my MSP?

You’re to participate in the strategy modules of the program (modules 1 and 2). After that, we have a handover session where you can get an engineer on your team to take on the rest modules (because you’d have already framed the big picture with our help). And hey, if you want to take all modules, you 100% can. They’re all easy to implement, with no hitches whatsoever.


What happens if the engineer I train leaves?

Someone else jumps in and takes the training; it’s that simple. We’ve made the process in such a way that it’s copy/paste, plug and play. Aside from getting another engineer to dedicate the time needed, you don’t lose anything.


How long will it take to complete and set up the system?

The initial setup by the owner or a C-level executive will take 1-1.5 days, and then it's going to take the team member this will be handed off to about 3 - 6 days to completely set up the system.

To keep the system running on full steam, a team member will take care of ongoing maintenance 5-20 hours/week (all routiones are fully defined and allocated within the program, this is not a "figure-it-out" situation by any means.